Emergency Dentist Allen, TX

Emergency dental care is a critical general dentistry service we offer our patients at Allen Dental Center. Our emergency dentistry services in Allen, TX, provide immediate treatment for patients with urgent dental problems. Our dental team understands that these situations can sometimes be stressful and painful. That is why we will do everything possible to help prevent further damage and ease discomfort if you suffer from a dental emergency.

emergency dentistry in Allen, TX

The Importance of Emergency Dentistry

There are a few types of dental emergencies that require immediate attention. Patients may have severe pain, bleeding, or an infection, affecting their overall health. Ignoring these types of dental situations can lead to permanent damage, tooth loss, or an infection entering your bloodstream. Seeking emergency dental care will help prevent further complications and save you from pain and discomfort.

In some cases, not treating sudden dental problems can also lead to the need for more complex or costly treatments. Preventive dental care, including emergency treatments,

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Many people may question whether or not they are having a real dental emergency. An emergency is typically any dental problem that requires immediate attention to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, or save a tooth.

Some common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe tooth pain: Tooth pain can be a sign of an abscess, infection, or injury. Take pain medication and use a cold compress for swelling at home. In our office, we will take your symptoms into account to treat your pain. 
  • Excessive bleeding in the mouth: Bleeding that doesn’t stop after applying pressure could be a sign of an injury or other condition. We can help stop bleeding and find the source of your problem. However, we recommend visiting a hospital if you sustain other physical injuries that cause mouth bleeding.
  • Lost tooth: If you knock out a permanent tooth, you have a dental emergency. Immediate action can increase the chances of saving the tooth.
  • Cracked or chipped tooth: A cracked or chipped tooth can cause pain, sensitivity, and damage to the tooth’s structure. Treatment is necessary to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth structure.
  • Pus or infection in gums or around the tooth: This is a sign of gum disease or infection, which can cause pain and swelling. An abscess is a pocket of pus that develops outside of the tooth. If this pocket bursts, the infection can spread throughout the face.

Steps to Take in a Dental Emergency

If you experience a dental emergency, it is important to act quickly and seek immediate attention from your dentist. Here are some steps you can take in a dental emergency:

  • Call your dentist as soon as possible and explain the nature of your emergency.
  • Apply pressure with a clean cloth or gauze to the affected area if bleeding.
  • If a tooth is knocked out, rinse it with water and try to reposition it in the socket. However, if this is not possible, place it in a container of saliva. Then, bring it to your dentist appointment.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers to manage pain or swelling.
  • Even if your symptoms improve, follow up with your dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

In some cases, we will recommend visiting a hospital if you have a physical injury that impacts your mouth. An injury to the jaw or mouth can cause bleeding, swelling, or damage to teeth. If you experience excess bleeding or physical injuries, visit a hospital first. We can treat your dental problems after you receive care.

How to Avoid a Dental Emergency

In most cases, you can easily avoid dental emergencies. Of course, there are many instances when they happen unexpectedly, but there are many steps you can take to reduce the risk of experiencing a dental emergency.

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush and floss daily to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Ensure you brush for two minutes twice a day and floss before brushing. 
  • Wear a mouthguard: Wearing a custom-made mouthguard when playing sports will protect your teeth. This will reduce your chances of experiencing serious damage to the soft tissues in your mouth and tooth damage. We recommend mouthguards for patients of any age who play contact sports.
  • Stop bad habits: Do not chew on hard objects like ice, candy, or pen caps. This is an easy way to chip, crack, or damage your teeth. Additionally, stop biting your nails, as bacteria can transfer from your hands to your mouth.
  • Visit the dentist: At regular visits, we provide cleanings and exams. We can find early signs of dental problems with exams and X-rays. Our office also removes food debris and bacteria from the mouth that cause infections.

What is Not A Dental Emergency?

Sometimes, you can have dental problems that don’t need emergency care, including:

  • A dull toothache: Severe tooth pain is an emergency. However, if you have minimal tooth pain, discuss your concerns while scheduling your visit. 
  • Bleeding gums: In most cases, if your gums bleed after you brush or floss, you may brush too hard or have gum inflammation. If you have gum inflammation, we recommend making an appointment for a thorough cleaning. We can also provide tips on how to brush and floss more often and thoroughly. 
  • An object stuck between teeth: If you have something stuck between your tooth, try floss first. You can also use a toothpick to remove the object. If this does not work, call our office. We can remove the object for you.

If these problems worsen or cause severe pain, contact us for emergency dentistry services in our Allen, TX, office. We also welcome you to call our office with questions. 

Get Urgent Dental Care

If left untreated, an emergency can cause pain, discomfort, and permanent damage. Take steps to avoid a dental emergency at all costs. However, if you require emergency dentistry in Allen, TX, call Allen Dental Center immediately.

We will give you further instructions and develop an action plan for your situation. Let us know if you have questions about a dental problem or are unsure if you have an emergency. We’re here to help.