Having a badly damaged or infected tooth can result in frustration; especially if you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start when it comes to getting the care and treatment you need. Luckily, the team at Allen Dental Center is here to give you some helpful information!
A root canal is a tried-and-true dental procedure for various issues relating to infections or cavities in the teeth. Complete removal of a damaged tooth can result in more time and money spent at the dentist, and most patients want to avoid this. A root canal is a perfect alternative! It will save your tooth while preserving your natural smile. Many patients worry getting a root canal will cause intense pain, but this is not the case! Due to updated dental technology, patients will have little to no pain during the procedure. It may end up being more painful trying to live your life with an infected tooth!
How can a root canal help, and why is it necessary? Your natural teeth are filled with a soft pulp core. It is made up of blood vessels, soft tissue, and nerves. If you develop a deep cavity or crack in one of your teeth, bacteria can enter the pulp and cause irritation and infection, which, if left untreated for too long, can cause bone loss, pulp death, or loss of the entire tooth. If you have this type of infection, you may experience a toothache, swelling, and sensitivity to foods and drinks that are either too cold or too hot.
To begin the root canal process, your dentist will take x-rays of your teeth to see if it is needed. If so, you will be provided with a local anesthetic to numb the area and ease the pain. All tooth decay will be removed, and an opening will be made in the crown of the tooth through which the root canal will be performed. Dental tools will then remove all infected pulp from the root. After removing the infected pulp, the tooth chamber will be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Your tooth will then be filled and as good as new!
Your dentist will place a crown over your newly filled root to restore your tooth or teeth to their original function and prevent further damage. Most crowns are made of porcelain and look just like the natural teeth around them. If you keep up with your oral hygiene and come to the dentist every six months for exams and cleanings, your newly restored tooth will last a lifetime!
Do you think you may need a root canal or have questions for our staff? Call Allen Dental Center at (972) 727-3941. We would be happy to help!